To view investment products that may only be offered to accredited investors and other relevant persons in reliance on a relevant exemption from needing to register a prospectus for such investment products, you must be or may be deemed to be an accredited investor.
You are an accredited investor if you are:
- An individual whose net personal assets exceed S$2,000,000 (or its equivalent in a foreign currency) in value, of which no more than S$1,000,000 (or its equivalent in a foreign currency) in value is contributed by the net estimated fair market value of his/her primary residence; or Whose financial assets (net of any related liabilities) exceed S$1,000,000 in value (or its equivalent in a foreign currency); or Whose income in the preceding twelve (12) months is not less than S$300,000 (or its equivalent in a foreign currency).
- A corporation with net assets exceeding $10 million in value (or its equivalent in a foreign currency) or such other amount as the Authority may prescribe, in place of the first amount, as determined by The most recent audited balance-sheet of the corporation; or Where the corporation is not required to prepare audited accounts regularly, a balance-sheet of the corporation certified by the corporation as giving a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the corporation as of the date of the balance-sheet, which date shall be within the preceding 12 months;
By clicking the “Submit” button below, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the above and confirm that:
I am an accredited investor, and/or I have the intent and financial capability to transact not less than S$200,000 (or its equivalent in a foreign currency) per order to be paid in full, and I have read the Risk Disclosure Statement and fully understand the risks involved in investing in Debt Securities (applicable to investment in Debt Securities).